Thin Ice 2 - Hide & Seek Page 32
Tank continued to wordlessly observe her, hearing Ryan’s statements and smiling inwardly.
“Well, I’ma let you go, I have some errands to run,” Caramel told him wanting to end the conversation before she said something wrong in her nervous and frightened state.
“OK baby,” Ryan returned still sweet as sugar. “I’ll see you soon, I’m almost finished here.”
Caramel again acknowledged his statement, disconnecting and handing the phone back to Tank. Rising again, he left her alone and returned to the kitchen where LaRon and DeNoah waited.
“He’s coming tonight,” Tank said simply as all three men smiled fully.
“Let’s go have some fun,” LaRon told DeNoah as they returned to their original intent and descended the basement stairs, heading out into the day.
LaRon watched as the last embers of the sun faded from the sky and night fell. So it begins, he thought sighing deeply and checking the weapon he held. Tank set up the rooms as they discussed and DeNoah waited patiently with LaRon for their visitors to show up. His mind was racing as he thought about Ryan and actually getting the opportunity to confront the man. He knows about Tweety and the baby, so let’s see what his high and mighty ass thinks of that shit, LaRon thought angrily of the man. Jaleesa informed him of Ryan’s call and gave him the specifics of the conversation when they’d talked last. He had to admit he found himself taken by surprise as how calmly Jaleesa told him her feelings concerning Ryan. He fucked up, LaRon thought and chuckled slightly. He knew for himself infidelity was her button. Jaleesa would tolerate a multitude of mistakes on your part, but cheating on her was not one of them. He missed her, LaRon thought sighing once more. He wanted this night to be over; for them to do what they came to do and life to go on. As soon as everything was said and done, he was taking Jaleesa to Conyers to look for the house she wanted.
I’m so damned glad she forgave me, LaRon continued to think as he lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply. Smiling slightly once again he recalled Jaleesa’s admonishment the last time he lit up. “You know you can’t be smokin’ around the baby, so you might wanna go ahead and quit,” she chided him as LaRon grunted but said nothing. Thinking about it now, he made up his mind that he would after tonight. “Fresh start for everything,” LaRon murmured as Tank came back into the room and joined him.
“Everything straight,” LaRon asked, never taking his eyes from the window he stood post at.
“Yeah, ready for whatever,” Tank replied as both their phones vibrated.
DeNoah sent a text letting them know he was in place as well, and things were still all clear.
“Well all we can do now is wait on these fools to make a move,” LaRon threw out after reading the text.
“I doubt we hafta wait too long,” Tank replied as LaRon tensed slightly and agreed with him.
His mind was still spinning about his initial reaction when he finally saw the man who’d stolen his angel face to face. Glancing up the street, LaRon saw the black mustang still sitting where they left it, both occupants dead inside. Stupid fuckers, he chuckled, taking another hit from the cigarette and continuing to wait.
“It’s night,” Andre’ said simply as Ian smiled slightly and nodded.
“So it is,” he replied simply.
Andre’ was antsy. He wanted to go ahead and make moves, shed some blood and take back territory.
“Relax,” Ian told him seeing the anxiety. “We have all night, and this is our show,” he added as Andre’ chuckled slightly, seeing his point.
“Do you still have those grenades,” Ian asked.
Andre’ replied that he did.
“Hmph, well leave them,” Ian told him as the man frowned slightly. “I want this to be a quiet war,” Ian returned. “If we make too much noise, Five-O will show up before we’re finished, and I don’t want that,” he explained patiently to everyone assembled.
Ryan wasn’t fazed. He knew how Ice operated and what he’d just said made perfect sense.
“Exactly,” he agreed aloud. “I definitely want my up close and personal time,” he added as Ice again chuckled.
“So do I,” he replied as the other men nodded in agreement.
“Everyone have silencers,” Ryan asked.
After supplying Reggie and Andre’ with the necessary equipment they began to talk once again.
“We hafta be quick and lethal,” Ryan told Reggie and José.“Hit the house hard, get Caramel, kill everyone there, and leave.”
Both men agreed with his sentiment.
“You know which room they keeping her in,” Reggie ventured.
That bad feeling still hadn’t let him. As a matter of fact it’d only intensified, making him extremely edgy and guarded tonight.
“Yeah, the eyes told me it’s the last room on the hallway,” Ryan began. “We can see it from the street,” he added as Reggie grunted his understanding. “Once we go in, I’ll head to the room,” Ryan told them anew. “Not knowing either of you, Caramel would probably freak out and be more of a hindrance,” he continued to explain. “Once I get her and get out, it’s a free for all.”
José smiled at the end of Ryan’s sentence, telling him that’s the part he was looking most forward too.
“Time to send these pendejo’s a message,” he threw out as Ryan and Ice both chuckled.
“Absolutely, Jose’,” Ian returned still smiling slightly.
“Now, while Ryan is handling business on the Southside, we’ll be in College Park reeking out own havoc,” Ian threw out as Dixon and Andre’ both smiled.
“Fuck yeah we will,” Andre’ returned excitedly.
“Just as Ryan said, in and out, quickly and lethally,” Ian continued.
“Try not to kill them all immediately,” he instructed as both men frowned slightly. “I need to know who Top is first,” he clarified as they nodded understanding and cooperation.
“Once we have that one isolated, its open season on the rest of the assholes,” Ian advised.
“What if he’s not there, Ice,” Dixon threw out as Ian frowned slightly.
“Then we make one of them fools tell us exactly where he is,” he advised angrily.
“Kaitlyn is in the room closest to the back of the house, on the side not visible to the street,” Ian told them once again. “I’m going in to get her, then we’re going to administer that street vengeance we came for.”
Dixon smiled again, raising his drink in a toast.
“To vengeance,” he said simply as everyone raised there glass in collaboration, draining them, and readying themselves to move out.
Mook loaded both the .380 and the .9mm, attaching the silencers to them. Tariq told them he wanted to quietly exterminate their enemy, and he agreed. There would be no sound to alert any of the others that one had fallen, thus giving them even more of an advantage. Chuckling slightly, Mook recalled the disappointment on Mace’s face when Tariq told him they couldn’t use the rocket launcher. “Way too much attention,” he told the man. “We don’t want the locals to show up and stop our fun, now do we,” he’d explained as Mace reluctantly agreed. Mook also thought about Kim and how much he wanted to be with her. We can go home after this shit is settled, he thought, loading yet another .380 and placing it in his other pocket. Mook was looking forward to returning to Florida victorious with his beautiful woman by his side. He smiled to himself of their lovemaking before leaving her. Might get lucky again, he chuckled thinking about Kim becoming pregnant. Jaron entered the room disturbing his thoughts and the two men began to once again cover all the points of their plan, not wanting to leave anything to chance, or them to be on the wrong end of a bullet.
Tariq caressed the barrel of the Desert Eagle as his mind raced. Tonight would finally culminate almost five years of pain, struggle and loss for him. Tonight Ice would be standing before him in the flesh. The thought made Tariq smile slightly, knowing that this time in the exchange he would ha
ve the upper hand. Thinking of Ice immediately brought thoughts of KiKi. As much as he didn’t want to hurt her, this was a debt Tariq was determined to pay. He knew that once she got over the initial hurt and grieved in her own way, KiKi would let go and Ice would be nothing more than a distant past memory to her. He wasn’t angry, not in the least. He was the one lying with her at night, touching her and holding her close. It was his seed that was growing inside her waiting to taste life. It would be him that she would spend the rest of her life with, and in KiKi, Tariq knew he had the perfect business partner. He and LaRon would of course run things, but behind every great man, there was a great woman. As far as he was concerned, he, LaRon and Mook had three of the best. Sighing lightly, Tariq loaded two .10mm and placed them in his pockets at well. Silencers were the call of the day and each gun was equipped with one. Content with the weapon choices, Tariq left the bedroom he and KiKi shared, headed for the living room where the other men were assembled. It was dark now, and Tariq’s gut told him it was almost time. Things were about to get deadly complicated.
Reggie signaled all clear as Ryan and Jose’ made their way to the black mustang still sitting idle at the curb. Pointing upward, Reggie brought Ryan’s attention to the two bullet holes in the glass.
“Shit,” Ryan swore quietly aloud. “So they know about the eyes, but they still don’t know when we’re coming’,” he whispered as the men nodded their agreement.
“So nothing has changed,” he continued to speak as the three men stayed low, huddled behind the car, hidden from passing traffic as several cars passed them by. The moon was almost invisible, making the poorly lighted street even more dark and ominous. Ryan was glad for the cover, knowing they needed all the help they could get to sneak up on the house and rescue Caramel.
“OK, lets do this,” he spoke finally.
Reggie swallowed the huge lump in his throat as the three men fanned out and began stalking the small single level home down the residential street from three very different angles. As he took his time and meticulously followed the brush line to the end of the street, Reggie began to pray silently. Knowing what they were about to do was wrong; he still hoped God would heed his plea long enough for his life to be spared.
As he got to the end of the brush, Reggie saw the lights on in both what he assumed was the living area and the room Ryan told them they were holding his girl in. Shit, maybe this won’t be as hard as I thought, Reggie thought noting that if the were expecting trouble, they certainly wouldn’t be leaving lights on to give away their position in the house. Looking both ways and seeing no traffic, Reggie kept low to the ground and ran quickly across the street, stopping once he made it to the curb and the huge work van parked there. Catching his breath and slowing his heart beat, Reggie peeked around the front fender of the rusted van, seeing no movement in the house. Listening he heard music and assumed the man inside was sufficiently distracted. Looking around again, he saw movement and stayed still watching until he figured out the dark shape he saw was Jose’. The man had also made it to his vantage point, so now they were only waiting for Ryan to arrive and give them the signal, then they could move forward and quickly end this nonsense, returning to their normal lives and daily existence.
Ryan felt his adrenaline pumping as he made his way across the street and behind a small patch of trees sitting adjacent to the houses front door. His cell vibrated as Jose’ and Reggie let him know they were in place. Jose’ was coming in behind him through the front door. Reggie was coming from the back. There were no other entrances to the house they were aware of, so they had exits covered in their estimation. Knowing he was this close to Caramel and setting her free almost pushed him over the edge and made him act hastily. Digging deep and calling on his street experience, Ryan relaxed and held those feelings in check. They were going to accomplish all they set out to accomplish and he would have his woman back in short order. I hope that muthafucka is here that Tweety fucked and got a baby by, he thought angrily. Ryan definitely wanted to plant a bullet in LaRon’s head and close his eyes permanently. Teach that trick not to fuck with me, he continued to think of Jaleesa. Deciding that he’d done enough thinking and enough worrying, Ryan sent the signal to both Jose’ and Reggie as they began to move. The war had begun.
Andre’ was way past ready to get down and dirty with the fools inside the house they now sat outside of. Let’s go, let’s go, he thought as Ian and Dixon continued to watch the house through the binoculars they each held.
“I don’t see anybody moving’ around,” Dixon murmured as Ian agreed.
“That’s unusual,” Ian threw out slightly unsettled by the lack of human presence.
“Wait a minute, there go somebody,” Dixon threw back as both Ian and Andre’ saw the large shadow pass the window.
“Cool,” Ian replied, calming slightly. “Let’s get ready to make our presence felt,” he added as Andre’ smiled broadly.
Everyone checked their weapons going over the plan one last time as they began to stealthily make their way across the wide cleared field of grass that stood between them and their target. Andre’ and Dixon both flanked Ian on either side, weapons drawn and eyes alert as they moved forward. The closer they got to the house, the more Ian’s adrenaline began to pump. They were close, only another 200 yards to go and they would be on the house’s back porch.
From the blueprint, Ian knew the house had a basement entrance. That was their way in. Manuel and Jose’ scouted it they day of the lawn visit, finding it unlocked. Ian prayed that was still the case, but even if wasn’t, he’d brought a lock pick kit to get them inside. Seeming to take forever, they finally arrived at the basement door and stand perfectly still. Hearing no movement or shouts of their presence being discovered, Ian reached out and gingerly turned the door knob to the basement. It gave freely under his touch as all three men smiled to themselves and opened it fully. Dixon entered first, gun drawn looking around the dank, dark orifice, checking for hidden danger or ambush. Satisfied the coast was clear, he beckoned Ian and Andre’ inside. The three men stood silent and continued to listen. They heard the muted sounds of a TV being played as well as the pipes above them signaling someone having just used the toilet. Smiling once more that they were inside undetected Ian took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, closing his eyes for a few moments, meditating to himself. He opened his eyes moments later as Dixon and Andre’ watched him intently and mouthed the words they’d waited to hear since arriving.
“Let’s do this,” Ian told them calmly as the two men smiled and began ascending the stairs, guns in hand and murderous intent on their mind.
Ryan stood up as did Jose’ and began running toward the front door of the house. He hit the front porch hard, kicking in the front door as the shots began to rain. Deftly hitting the floor, he rolled to his right and began firing back at the unseen assailants. Jose’ dived inside behind the huge recliner in the living room also firing. After a few moments more of gunfire, Ryan realized no one was shooting back and signaled Jose’ to stop. Carefully listening to any sound and hearing none the two men rose and looked around gathering their bearings. Silently signaling; Ryan directed Jose’ to the rear of the house where Reggie should have been making an entrance.
Turning away from the man as he walked toward the kitchen, gun cocked and carefully gaining ground with each step, Ryan headed down the hallway to the room where they held Caramel. He moved catlike through the dimly lit hallway, illuminated only by the slivers of moon and streetlight that streamed in the windows threw half open blinds and curtains. Willing himself to stay calm and control his breathing, Ryan finally arrived at the room, stopping and listening for sounds on the other side of the door. He heard the TV set but nothing else. What the fuck have they done to her, he thought angrily, taking a deep breath and cautiously reaching out taking the knob in his hand and turning it silently as he cracked the door trying to see inside.
Reggie was on the back porch of the house, ready to make his entrance when he felt the cold steel at the base of his skull.
“Wassup fool,” DeNoah greeted him calmly.
Reggie freaked. He’d never been this close to actually being shot before in his life. Half of the stories he’d told Ice to get the job at Peppermint’s were lies. Reggie talked a good game but he wasn’t a die hard thug, not by any stretch of the imagination.
“Quiet down before I shoot your stupid ass,” DeNoah whispered angrily as Reggie got a hold on himself and calmed down.
They both heard footsteps coming toward them making Reggie tense. Just as the footsteps got close to the doorstep they heard a thud. DeNoah chuckled softly.
“One down, few more to go,” he laughed quietly.
Reggie swallowed hard and prayed as he opened his mouth.
“Man, please, look I ain’t in this shit,” Reggie began to plead as DeNoah watched him with a look of disgust, unseen by the cowering man.
“Look Ryan is who ya’ll want and he’s in the house,” Reggie continued to beg. “Let me go man, I ain’t seen shit, I don’t know shit,” he tried as DeNoah told him to shut up.
“Ain’t nothing worse than a fuckin’ coward,” he spat as Reggie continued to quake not caring what DeNoah thought as long as he let him live.
“So, if I tell you to run and not look back, then what,” DeNoah asked.
“Shit man, I’m ghost and I don’t know a muthafuckin’ thing,” Reggie replied without hesitation.
“Hmph,” DeNoah told him as he stood quietly a few moments more and Reggie’s mind raced.
“OK, so run then muthafucka,” DeNoah told him stepping back and giving him room.
Ryan stepped into the room staying close to the wall and in the shadows it afforded. His eyes quickly adjusted as he scanned the bed seeing it empty. He turned to his right seeing a light on under the closed door and surmised it was the bathroom and Caramel was inside. He heard movement and held his breath. The sound became louder and it got closer. Like something being dragged heavily along the floor, he thought still holding the .380 cocked and ready. The dragging finally stopped and was replaced by a loud thud. Fuck, Ryan thought not knowing if the thud he heard was friend or foe, but knowing it was a body. He heard footsteps again heading away from him as he slowly let go the breath he was holding and headed toward the bathroom.