Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning Read online

Page 13

“Of course not,” he readily replied, turning and heading toward the kitchen.

  She took him in as he turned away, fleetingly thinking how handsome a man he was. The idea never went any further as her heart immediately told her it wasn’t ready to move on yet, and Sapphire didn’t force it. The steaming cup was waiting for her after she answered natures call and took a shower.

  “Thank you,” she called out as Horse returned a welcome and she sat down on the bed hearing the television in the other room, knowing he was watching something sports related.

  Smiling, she thought about Sa’Cari and his impending visit. Sapphire also thought about the young woman he was bringing for her to meet. “Mama she’s wonderful, and I love her so much,” Sa’Cari told her excitedly as they talked. “That’s good son, I can’t wait to meet her,” she’d returned. “Her name is Ashlyn,” he added as Sapphire chuckled slightly at his enthusiasm. “Mama,” he began tentatively and she grew slightly alarmed. “Yes, what’s wrong,” she asked anxiously. “Nothing’s wrong,” he assured her. “It’s just um,” he stumbled as she waited, praying he wasn’t going to say something crazy. “I want to marry her, mama,” Sa’Cari finally managed. Sapphire exhaled deeply then. “How about we talk about it when you come home,” she hedged, not yet ready to tackle the issue. He’d cheerfully told her that was fine as they chatted a little while longer before disconnecting.

  “He’s only 20,” Sapphire mumbled aloud.

  Still, if he’d made up his mind she knew there was no unmaking it. He was definitely his father’s son in that respect. Deciding to not pre-judge the young woman, Sapphire pushed the visit from her mind deciding to wait until they got here this weekend and then she would see for herself.


  “Yeah, who is this,” Jacoury spoke into the phone. It rang moments earlier, the number unknown.

  “Hi Jacoury,” the voice from his past spoke as his mouth dropped.

  “Necie,” he asked quietly, stunned to hear from her.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Um hey, is everything okay, is Diamond okay,” he asked hurriedly, unable to fathom why she was calling.

  “Diamond’s fine,” she replied not answering his other question.

  “Oh OK,” he returned. “How did you get my number,” he asked curiously.

  “Sam,” she said simply.

  Jacoury nodded thoughtfully. He didn’t know she and Sam still talked, but supposed it wouldn’t be something his sister would bother mentioning since he’d moved on with his life.

  “Jacoury, do you hate me,” she asked quietly, breaking his thought.

  “No, why would you think that,” he answered honestly.

  “You’re very quiet,” Necie replied.

  “I’m sorry, I guess I’m just so surprised still by your call,” he again replied honestly.

  “Hmph, okay,” Necie returned. “Do you think we could be friends,” she asked and Jacoury’s curiosity was really peaked.

  “Necie, what’s going on with you, for real,” he finally asked, needing her to level with him.

  He heard her sniffle and assumed she was crying.

  “I just need a friend right now,” she replied before breaking down.

  Jacoury’s heart hurt hearing her sob. His mind took him back years earlier when he’d been the source of pain and angst in her cries.

  “Necie, I told you a long time ago I’d always be there for you and Diamond if you needed me, and I meant it,” he added as she quieted and thanked him.

  “You can call whenever you need too,” Jacoury told her.

  “I don’t want to cause drama,” Necie replied, alluding to his relationship with Jaleesa.

  “My girl’s not like that, she knows about our history,” Jacoury informed.

  Necie frowned slightly unseen by him.

  “Well if you’re sure it won’t be an issue,” she replied hesitantly as Jacoury again assured her it was fine.

  “Thanks Jacoury,” she told him as they chatted a few moments more catching up.

  They were both laughing after a while recounting a story of one of their childhood friends and a childhood prank.

  “I’m glad to hear you laugh,” Jacoury told her sensitively.

  Necie thanked him for being the one to lift her spirits.

  “I’ll talk to you soon,” she told him as Jacoury told her okay and disconnected.

  That was crazy as hell, he thought, rising and heading into the shower. Jaleesa was due back from Atlantic City today and he definitely wanted to welcome her home, he thought lustily turning on the hot water, stripping and jumping under the spray.


  Mook was pissed that he had to resort to following Kim just to find out what was going on with her. They were barely communicating and the times he’d pressed her all she could give him was the lame excuse of being tired and overwhelmed. Sighing softly, he supposed that could have been some of the problem, but there was something going on that she wasn’t telling him and that was the part he was going to get answered today. Movement broke his thought as he looked up and saw Kim coming out of the drug store with a small bag. He was pretty sure she’d stopped to get some gum or candy of some sort. She wasn’t sick that he knew of. She began walking toward the hotdog place three doors down, turning and going inside once she reached the door. Thankfully Mook still had a bird’s eye view of her as she ordered and sat down at one of the tables taking her phone out. He watched her punch out the keys, ascertaining she was sending someone a text message. He saw her put the phone down moments later and since his didn’t go off, he knew it wasn’t him that she messaged.

  He saw her rise and go back up to the counter picking up her order and returning to the table after adding condiments to the hotdog. She began eating; enjoying one fry at a time when Mook noticed the man walking up to the same shop. His interest peaked, he sat up straighter and continued to observe. The man walked inside the same hotdog shop and up to the counter making his own order. He then turned and walked over to Kim’s table sitting down.

  “Ain’t that bout a bitch,” Mook mumbled his anger beginning to rise.

  He saw the man saying something to her as Kim continued eating her fries. Mook thought perhaps the guy was just someone trying to hit on her as she continued to ignore him, until the man got up and went back to the counter, stopping and giving her a small kiss on the cheek. Mook’s fist clenched involuntarily. I should rip that muthafucka’s lips off, he fumed as the man collected his own lunch and returned once more to sit with Kim.

  Mook continued to watch them eat and talk with each other. Kim seemed completely at ease after a few moments, laughing with the man about something she obviously found funny. Is this why she’s suddenly so tired, so self absorbed and distant, he continued to brood. Taking a deep breath, Mook’s glance fell on the black case sitting in his passenger seat. He ran his hand over it, drumming his fingers on it for a while before removing his hand and leaving the case closed. The man was holding Kim’s hand now, kissing it gently as he looked into her eyes. That molten anger was rising up in Mook again.

  “This asshole has about one more time,” he mumbled just as his cell rang.

  Glancing at the ID he answered, greeting Tariq.

  “Yeah, just out and about,” Mook replied without elaborating.

  Tariq asked if he could meet him at Memoirs in about an hour.

  “Sure Top, I can do that,” he replied as Tariq thanked him and disconnected.

  As he returned his attention to the hotdog shop he saw them exiting. Kim turned to walk back to her truck as the man put his hand on her arm stopping her. Mook had to physically grip the steering wheel to keep himself in the truck when the man leaned in and kissed Kim lightly on the lips.

  “So this is how she wanna play it, huh,” Mook mumbled furious with what he’d just witnessed.

  Cranking the truck Mook pulled off heading to Memoirs, his mind replaying the scene for him again and again as he drove.


  Gabrielle was smiling as she disconnected. Her life was once again on track now that she and Ian were together. She picked up the photograph, sipping the juice and staring at it.

  “I haven’t forgotten about you,” she said crisply talking to the image of Ray Lockhart staring back at her.

  Though Ian was taking good care of her and making her life a fairytale once more, Gabrielle hadn’t forgotten her plans to get even with the man who had destroyed her spirit and almost her body as well. She’d checked her account earlier this morning and found the 50K that Ian had deposited. The money was hers to do with as she pleased. He’d already paid all her bills, as well as the doctor’s retainer to take care of the scarring on her face. Dr. Millage told her they were going to do a new laser procedure on the scars and he was sure it would improve their appearance at least 80 to 85 percent. To Gabrielle that sounded like the second coming. Though she didn’t wear the scarf with Ian, she never went outside of the house without it. If the surgery were successful she could finally throw them away forever.

  Gabrielle opened her new laptop and found the airline schedule, booking herself a round trip flight. She was going to Overton Park and see just how Mr. Lockhart was doing for herself. I’m going to retrieve a little information too, she continued to brood. Her mind told her to leave well enough alone and be grateful for Ian’s interest. She couldn’t. Gabrielle wanted Ray to hurt and suffer the way she’d hurt and suffered. She wanted to see his face contorted in pain as she held the upper hand and destroyed him and all he’d built. Checking the reservation again, she rose and headed for her bedroom. She needed to pack quickly, shower, and get to the airport. Gabrielle didn’t want to be gone long enough to raise anyone’s suspicions about her absence. Then I can give Ice my full attention, Gabrielle thought of her plans. Accomplishing her tasks almost an hour later she got into the cab that had pulled into the front yard, giving the driver her destination, she watched the scenery as they drove, happy for the first time since returning to the Bayou.


  “Hello,” Kim answered.

  “Hey Kim,” Cyiarra returned. “I wanted to apologize for the other day,” she told the woman contritely.

  Kim frowned slightly having no clue what she was referring too.

  “I really shouldn’t have tried to trick you like that and get information,” she added as Kim assured her no harm had been done.

  “How long have you and Top being having issues,” she asked.

  Cyiarra sighed deeply giving her the short version of their long time troubles.

  “I don’t know what I did wrong Kim,” she lamented.

  Kim sighed softly. She wanted to tell her perhaps all the clinging and smothering was finally getting on his nerves. Kim had observed how needy Cyiarra was during their interactions as a group. She’d been present on several occasions when the woman would call during their business meetings, not once, but multiple times, neither wanting nor needing anything in particular. Kim kept her observations to herself however and simply told her she needed to talk to Tariq.

  “I can’t,” Cyiarra threw back. “Every time I try he shuts down or gets super defensive,” she told her sounding like she was crying.

  “CiCi, seriously, that’s the only way you’re going to know,” Kim told her. “Hell tell him flat out you know he’s messing around,” she added as she unwrapped the gum she’d purchased, popping a piece in her mouth.

  “I might,” she replied before abruptly changing the subject.

  “Do you know if Tae and Shells are still together,” she asked.

  Kim frowned in surprise and confusion, asking her why she’d ask the question. Cyiarra sighed lightly, pausing momentarily before answering.

  “Well, Layla said she ran into him at the Farmer’s Market and, um,” she began, hesitating now.

  “And what, CiCi,” Kim returned definitely wanting to know.

  “She says they shopped together and when she hugged him for helping her, Shells kissed her,” Cyiarra finished.

  Kim was stunned. “Are you sure,” she asked.

  Cyiarra told her that was what Layla told her as they talked about it.

  “I mean, she’s definitely interested, but,” she started one more as Kim interrupted.

  “I think Layla should chill,” she threw out harshly.

  Catching herself, she tried again.

  “I mean, as far as I know him and Tae are still together, and she doesn’t want to get caught up even if they are having problems,” Kim told her.

  Cyiarra told her she agreed, but Layla was headstrong and determined to do what she wanted.

  Kim simply grunted as her mind worked. She needed to make a call when she got Cyiarra off the phone.

  “Hey, can you and Mook come over for dinner this weekend,” she asked, almost pleading.

  Kim sighed gently, not as much because of the invitation as the turmoil her own relationship was going through.

  “I’m pretty sure, but let me double check with Mook and let you know, okay,” she returned as Cyiarra told her that was fine and they disconnected.

  I knew that heffa was scheming, Kim thought of Cyiarra’s best friend. Maybe that’s why Jaleesa hadn’t had much use for her from day one, Kim continued to muse. Still deep in thought she passed Memoirs, seeing Mook and Tariq’s trucks outside. Pulling into the lot she got out and walked over to Mook’s truck, using the spare key and opening it. She wanted to see if her phone case was in the truck. She’d been looking for it for the last three days, finally recalling the truck was the last place she had it when they all went to the movies. Seeing the black box on the seat Kim frowned slightly. Her curiosity got the better of her and she gingerly undid the silver latch on the front, carefully lifting the lid.

  “Shit,” she murmured under her breath taking in the gleaming, silver, Desert Eagle resting inside on the majestic purple velvet of the gun box.

  She just as quickly closed it, locking it back. Unsettled Kim didn’t look further for her phone case, closing the truck door, locking it and returning to her own vehicle, driving away. She had visions of the gun being pointed squarely into her chest if Mook ever found out about Tyshon. To calm her nerves, Kim picked up her cell and dialed Jaleesa’s number, she needed to think of anything else right now.


  Kaitlyn bolted out of her sleep, looking around the room, her breathing hard and erratic. The room finally came into focus and she relaxed slightly. Jaleesa was up and in the shower. They’d met in Atlantic City as planned, spending the night drinking, gambling and enjoying the night life. Her mind immediately replayed the ordeal she’d endured before leaving Atlanta. Awakening in the ice had terrified her. After the first scream she realized the person might still be in the room and clamped her hands over it, praying they didn’t return and kill her. Who would know about that, she continued to brood. The entire ritual was one that Carlo had performed on her countless times. He called it the “Pure”. The powder put the person into a deep state of sedation, but they could still hear and comprehend all that was around them. He’d told Kaitlyn it was the state when a person could only tell the truth and their spirit, or the Pure, was the easiest to access. He did it to her when he thought she was lying to him or plotting to do something behind his back.

  Kaitlyn thought of the countless times she’d found herself in the tub of ice, Carlo staring angrily into her face telling her that her Pure had told him the truth of her thoughts. Please God, what is going on, who is trying to hurt me, she continued to think the fear becoming very real. Kaitlyn was terrified of the black magic Carlo dabbled in. He’d been far too much on target when he repeated things to her that he said her Pure had told him when she was sedated. What had the person asked her when they did it her this time? Was it Ice? Did he know about her affair? Kaitlyn trembled slightly at the thought, knowing if he did Tariq was in grave danger. Maybe it was Carlo, her mind threw out as Kaitlyn scoffed. Her father was dead and buried, there was no way in hell he�
�d come back. Are you sure, black magic is very powerful, her mind conjured once more recalling yet another scene of horror to her mind as he recalled the bloodlust filled rituals her father held. Swallowing hard, Kaitlyn didn’t know what to think at the moment.

  Jaleesa came out of the bathroom to find her up and awake.

  “Hey girl,” she greeted her as Kaitlyn returned it.

  “So you gonna tell me about seeing Ryan or what,” Kaitlyn asked rising from bed and stretching, pushing her own problems far to the recesses of her mind.

  “Honestly KiKi, it wasn’t anything like I thought it would be,” Jaleesa told her. “When he got there, he wasn’t uptight, you know,” she began as Kaitlyn nodded and continued to listen.

  “We actually were able to talk, to air out some things without drama,” she told her as Kaitlyn told her she was impressed.

  “Shit girl, me too,” Jaleesa returned laughing.

  “Did you give in,” Kaitlyn asked, giving her another look.

  Jaleesa was thoughtful for a moment before answering her best friend.

  “I thought I was going to end up doing that, I mean especially after our talk,” she told her. “He picked me up and took me into the bedroom, and we kissed, he touched me,” Jaleesa explained.

  “We both were almost naked, just underwear,” she went on as Kaitlyn grunted. “And from somewhere I got the courage to tell him we shouldn’t and it was wrong to hurt our respective partners,” Jaleesa told her as Kaitlyn frowned.

  “How did he take that,” she asked, eyebrow raised.

  Her best friend chuckled, knowing exactly what Kaitlyn was getting at.

  “Believe it or not KiKi, he paused and thought about it,” Jaleesa told her. “Then he pulled me close, kissed my forehead and we went to sleep,” she finished as Kaitlyn’s mouth dropped.

  “Wow,” she replied as Jaleesa laughed.

  “Yeah, I was stunned too” she returned still chuckling.

  “Good for you girl, at least its done now and you both can move on,” she added, heading into the shower and closing the door.

  Jaleesa picked up her phone and saw the missed call from Kim, pushing the button and calling back, waiting for the call to connect.