Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning Read online

Page 11

Kaitlyn giggled and climbed in beside him. Tariq immediately kissed her as they began arousing each other, declaring how much they’d missed one another.

  “Did you bring the condoms,” she asked softly as Tariq began kissing his way down her body.

  “Yes, nightstand,” he replied as his mouth found her clit and speech left Kaitlyn, the guttural moans of pleasure taking over.

  “Riq, damn,” she moaned as she came hard.

  Tariq continued pleasing her loving the scent and taste of her. Kaitlyn reached orgasm again, begging him to make love to her now.

  “Not yet,” Tariq told her as she whined telling him he wasn’t being fair.

  “KiKi, baby,” he whispered in her ear as he began fingering her clit and she moved in rhythm with his fingers.

  “Riq, stop teasing me, I want you,” Kaitlyn declared, sucking his neck tenderly.

  She reached onto the nightstand and picked up the condom package, dropping it as Tariq entered her.

  “Riq, baby, we can’t, stop,” she tried as he ignored her and continued thrusting deeply inside her.

  “Oh god,” Kaitlyn moaned becoming lost in her pleasure.

  Tariq returned to her lips kissing her deeply, hearing the soft gushing sounds of her satisfaction. She pressed her nails hard into his back as the third orgasm ripped through her. Tariq was coming hard and fast as he held her tightly, going deeply inside her.

  “Riq, no, baby get up,” Kaitlyn told him urgently just as he came, pulling out, but not quite in time.

  “Are you angry,” he asked quietly as she lay in his arms.

  “No,” Kaitlyn replied honestly.

  She wasn’t worried about getting pregnant; she just didn’t want any evidence of her indiscretion. Ice won’t be home for a couple days after you get back, she thought dismissing the incident and kissing his chest softly.

  “Riq, I need to tell you something, but I need you to just hear it and leave it alone,” she began tentatively.

  Tariq rolled over so he was facing her, able to look into her eyes as she spoke.

  “I’m not giving you up KiKi,” he told her resolutely, thinking that was the thing she was about to speak.

  Kaitlyn smiled before she spoke.

  “I get that,” she told him. “That’s not what I was going to say,” she added as he grunted and told her okay.

  “So tell me what’s so important,” Tariq inquired.

  “Your girl called me a few weeks ago,” Kaitlyn told him calmly.

  Tariq was instantly furious.

  “She what,” he growled.

  “Riq, calm down, seriously, it was cool,” she told him as he continued to breathe hard.

  “What did she say,” he asked, teeth clenched.

  Kaitlyn gave him a replay of the conversation.

  “Has she called you again,” he asked.

  Kaitlyn assured him she hadn’t.

  “I don’t think she kept the number and I’m pretty sure you haven’t let her have your phone again,” she replied chuckling slightly.

  Tariq tried to smile but he was still seeing red.

  “Riq, let it go baby,” Kaitlyn tried seeing he was still deeply angry.

  “She was a huge mistake KiKi,” he told her finally as she nodded and remained mute.

  Kaitlyn pulled Tariq to her and laid his head on her chest. He obediently rested, eyes closed and drifted quickly off to sleep. She continued to stare at the ceiling trying to figure out what to do. Her heart adored the man lying with her now, his touch, his taste, his aura permeated and oxygenated every cell of her being. Yet she was married to a man who was every bit her deadly equal. But do you love him, her mind questioned. Kaitlyn often wondered if she stayed with Ian because of the promise she made to Socrates or because she wanted to protect Tariq. She had a love for Ian yes, but it was nothing like the love she felt for Tariq. Kaitlyn had only felt that deeply for one other man in her life. Blue, her mind answered as she sighed quietly. She often wondered what had become of him. Did he get out of prison? Did he return to Chicago? She also thought about the what ifs from time to time. What if she hadn’t been made to flee, would they have stayed together and made it work? You should have kept his child, the guilt spoke. Kaitlyn had never told anyone, ever, about the pregnancy. As careful as they tried to be, she’d ended up pregnant. She didn’t find out until she’d run away and settled in Atlanta. Thankfully the fake ID removed all roadblocks and she’d had the abortion on a cold, windy, December morning. Tariq stirred and broke her thought as he pulled her down to him, kissing her, hand caressing her breast. Kaitlyn pushed the past away and let the present engulf her as she reached for the condom and this time, Tariq cooperated.


  Sapphire was waiting for Horse to pick her up and take her to dialysis. The entire process was extremely taxing on her, but she was thankful just to be alive. The wild lifestyle had caught up to her right before Cartier’s own cancer began to slow him down. Thank God he had presence of mind to set everything up for us to live, she thought as the tears once again threatened. He’d been gone almost three years now, but Sapphire still missed him like it was yesterday. She’d asked about his other sons, but he always told her that was a separate life and he didn’t want Sa’Cari to get caught up in it. “He’s the good that is me, that I put in you, and I don’t ever want that tainted,” Cartier told her softly as they prepared to make love and she’d asked about the children meeting each other. “Do you want another child,” he’d asked. In her heart she did, but Sapphire had already found out her kidneys were starting to fail, she just hadn’t shared the information with him. “You’ve given me a wonderful child Socrates, I just want to love you now,” she told him as he smiled and they continued their lovemaking.

  The knock startled her, making her jump slightly. Sapphire wiped the tear that had fallen and opened the door.

  “Hi, you all right,” Horse asked, seeing her wet eyes.

  “Yes, I was just thinking,” Sapphire replied as he murmured slightly.

  He didn’t need to ask, he knew the woman had loved his boss without question and she still missed him. The twinge hit again, the feelings he carried for her trying to raise their head, Horse told her okay and walked with her to the car.

  “Have you talked to Sa’Cari lately,” he asked making conversation.

  He needed to keep his mind off the beautiful woman sitting next to him. Sapphire chuckled slightly before answering.

  “Yes, it would seem he’s in love,” she told Horse who smiled.

  “Sounds about right,” he replied as she smiled again. “Who’s the girl?”

  “I don’t know just yet,” Sapphire told him.

  “He said he’s going to introduce her when he comes to visit,” she added as Horse nodded.

  “When is he coming,” he asked, needing to prepare for the young man’s visit.

  Even though Socrates was gone now, Horse still took the promise he’d made him to look out for Sapphire and Sa’Cari seriously. Don’t forget the other promise, his mind piped up.

  “There’s a space right there,” Sapphire told him as Horse shook the thoughts and easily slid the sedan into the spot.

  “Thank you again Horse,” she told him smiling at him.

  Horse returned the smile, telling her it wasn’t a problem as they got out and went inside.

  He took a seat in the waiting room even though Sapphire told him to go have lunch, relax for a while and come back. Dialysis took hours and she didn’t want him sitting out there all that time. He assured her he would go do all of that and she relaxed allowing them to take her to the dialysis room. As he sat Horse’s mind again returned to Socrates and Hangman. “Horse, we may not ever get the chance to find this sonofabitch, but if we don’t, we need you to find him,” Hangman told him as Horse nodded his understanding. They’d shown his photos of Roderick, giving him the man’s real name and a couple other aliases they’d been able to uncover. “He destroyed our lives and we definitely want to return th
e favor,” Socrates spoke now. “I’ll find him, and I’ll kill him,” Horse told them resolutely. The two smiled then. “Now, we’re about to share some things with you that will enable you to always have the power you need to accomplish what you need to accomplish,” Socrates again told him as Hangman nodded. They pulled out documents, phone and account numbers, and photographs. The next six hours had been spent with Horse learning every facet of their lives both professional and personal. He didn’t think there was another person on the earth who knew the two men better than he did. For his loyal service the two men had left him very well taken care of. Horse had millions of dollars in offshore accounts, yet he still lived a very simple and unassuming life. His death had been reported by the prison some five years after the original escape. He’d gotten a new identity and now lived out in the open without fear of retribution. The elevator dinged, ending the stroll through his memory treasure. Stretching Horse rose from his seat and ventured to the car, getting in and laying the seat back, closing his eyes and taking a nap. The work was just starting and he needed to be ready.


  Tariq turned over sleepily the light annoying him. “KiKi, baby what time is it,” he asked squinting as he looked at her.

  “Almost 6:00AM,” she replied, eyebrow raised.

  “Damn, why you up so early,” Tariq asked lying his head back down.

  “Riq you should go home, I know old girl is going to trip,” she told him as he sucked his teeth softly.

  “And I have a flight to catch,” she added as he stretched and grudgingly rose.

  “I’m getting so damned tired of watching you walk out of my life, KiKi,” he told her hugging her now.

  She let out a soft breath, understanding his feelings but they had to stay objective.

  “Riq, maybe we need to not see each other anymore,” she whispered.

  He pulled away, holding both her arms tightly as he looked into her eyes.

  “I will never be that crazy ever again,” he told her evenly, the edge evident.

  “I don’t want to keep hurting you,” she told him her eyes begging him to understand.

  “KiKi, I love you, absolutely, without question,” Tariq told her honestly.

  She smiled slightly at the declaration.

  “I know,” she said quietly.

  “Let’s drop this, I don’t want you to leave with us fighting,” he told her as she nodded.

  “Come shower with me,” he cajoled as she laughed and gave him another look.

  They managed to get out of the shower some forty-five minutes later after making love and Kaitlyn promising to stop thinking craziness about them not seeing each other anymore.

  “You want me to take you to the airport,” Tariq asked after they were both dressed.

  “No, Riq, go home,” she admonished as he groaned softly.

  “OK,” he replied stubbornly. “When am I seeing you again,” he asked, stroking her face gently and kissing her lips intermittently.

  “Probably not for another 2 or 3 weeks,” Kaitlyn replied honestly.

  Tariq frowned deeply at her statement.

  “I might have to fly up to Overton Park,” he told her as she chuckled.

  “You might,” she said simply.

  “Just let me know when,” he told her evenly.

  “How is the business going,” she asked gathering the last of her things and putting them in the small carryon case.

  Tariq told her the club was about ready to open, and they’d purchased a strip club as well.

  “Sounds good,” Kaitlyn replied. “What are you going to name this one,” she threw out putting on her makeup now.

  “Memoirs,” he replied.

  She told him she thought it was good name.

  “Lots of mystique about it,” Kaitlyn chuckled.

  Tariq walked over to her at the mirror, putting his arms around her and looking at their reflections staring back.

  “Why the hell can’t the universe leave us alone and let us be happy,” he asked as she smiled sadly and quietly answered she didn’t know.

  Turning to him, they kissed passionately and he finally began making his way to the door.

  “Let me know you made it home,” he admonished as Kaitlyn promised she would.

  He lingered a moment longer before finally opening the door and walking out of it.


  Kim was flipping through the photo album looking at the wedding pictures once again. They’d had a beautiful candlelight ceremony on the beach of St. Croix. She’d never wanted the usual traditional wedding and Mook had gladly indulged her whim. Kim smiled seeing the picture of herself in the crème spaghetti strap dress, her hair down in soft tousled curls, the wind blowing them lightly as they stood surrounded by almost one hundred candles giving a soft romantic glow to the beach sand. The softly billowing surf that crashed cautiously against the seashore while the minister recited their vows created the perfect relaxed atmosphere. Mook looked so sexy in the linen shirt and pants she’d selected for him; his dark chocolate skin set off by the crème and touches of gable green the outfit held. The green matched the flora flowers that adorned her hair and were strategically placed in her bouquet. Jaleesa was her maid of honor, Sam was her matron of honor and Cyiarra had been her bridesmaid. Tariq had graciously consented to be Mook’s best man, with Ramell and Jacoury and Shells being his groomsmen.

  They had an equally lavish reception afterwards. Champagne, shrimp, lobster, steaks and several other quality entrees were readily available to the invited guests. They’d had a live band and enjoyed dancing the night away before adjourning to their luxurious honeymoon suite and making love almost the entire evening. Sighing deeply Kim closed the album her mind immediately going to Tyshon and the thing that had happened between them. Please help me to keep this secret, she prayed silently. If Mook ever found out she knew there would be absolute hell to pay. Sean came into the room picking up the game remote and beginning to play. Kim observed him a little while before her mind again wandered, this time recalling the lunch date yesterday. “Hey ladies,” Kim greeted Cyiarra and Layla. They both returned the greeting as she sat and they starting making small talk. “How are you enjoying Atlanta,” Kim asked Layla. The woman began answering her question and Kim’s mind wandered, wondering why Tweety was so cool and distant too her. So far Layla was proving to be an okay person. They ordered appetizers still laughing and talking about various memories. Layla and Cyiarra shared some of their favorites from Florida, then asked Kim about any she had. They seemed especially interested in the ones from her time of working for Tariq. She’d been in the game far to long not to recognize it when she saw it. “What are you two really fishing for,” Kim asked calmly, sipping her coke and looking directly at Cyiarra. Sighing deeply the woman finally confessed her fears and suspicions. “You talked to her,” Kim asked incredulously. Cyiarra nodded that she had. “So what name did he have in the phone,” she asked as Cyiarra told her she honestly couldn’t remember. “I was so damned mad,” she told Kim who nodded thoughtfully. Kim told them she was clueless, and that seemed to satisfy them as they changed the subject and ordered lunch.

  Sean yelled at one of the spacemen who wasn’t cooperating with his command, once again breaking Kim’s thoughts. She had her suspicions but how in the world could she find out. Mook surely knows, her mind told her as Kim immediately dismissed that method of discovery. There was no way Mook would tell her. No, Top wouldn’t be crazy enough to mess with her again would he, Kim continued to brood. Her cell buzzed and she looked at the display sighing deeply seeing Tyshon’s name. She clicked on the message and read it. ‘I miss you’ it read. She frowned slightly. ‘Can I see you today, please,’ it added. Kim began rubbing her temples as the headache descended. She knew she shouldn’t go see him, but she was also scared if she said no, Tyshon would show up or call her and Mook would find out about him. ‘Busy today, maybe another day,’ she typed back and hit send. The answer was almost instant. ‘What day,�
�� he’d asked. Sighing deeply Kim knew she was cornered. She returned a reply telling him she had a full day but could maybe see him for a few minutes this afternoon. Tyshon asked for a time and Kim quickly told him around two. Satisfied he told her okay and he would see her then. Erasing the messages Kim rose and put the phone in her pocket heading for the kitchen to get something to drink. Mook continued to lean on the door jam where he’d stood watching her for the last 5 minutes. He’d seen the texting and saw her erase the messages immediately afterward. Saying nothing, he turned and went back into the bedroom, pulling down the black case from the top of his closet.


  Nikki’s nerves were on edge. Her cell rang and she jumped, quickly picking it up and answering it.

  “Hello,” she spoke, trying to keep her voice even.

  “Are you going to have time to see Rayne today,” Ryan threw back without greeting.

  “Yes, of course,” she replied slightly offended by the question.

  “Hmph,” he replied before rattling off an address. “We’re going to breakfast so you may want to come on,” he added before disconnecting.

  As furious as she was about being ordered around and given a time schedule to see her own child, Nikki didn’t waste time. Punching the address into the GPS she followed the verbal commands of the automated guide finding the condo complex with ease. Relax girl, take a deep breath, she told herself as she parked the car and got out, locking it. She smoothed her hair and made sure the jeans were fitting the way they were supposed to. Granted she was pissed beyond measure with Ryan right now, she still wanted him to remember why the hell he was with her to start with.

  She knocked lightly on the door. “Hello,” the middle aged woman greeted her. Nikki frowned slightly before noticing the uniform.

  She assumed Ryan had hired the woman to care for Rayne. How long has he been plotting this bullshit, she thought but didn’t voice as she stepped inside the magnificent condominium. It was as plush and decadent as the home they were sharing together. Nikki was confused. Did Ryan always keep the condo or had he rented in within the last few days. She didn’t have time to dwell on it as Rayne came running into the den where she now sat, squealing her delight at seeing her mother.